About Karen

Dr Karen Baikie

BSc(Hons), BA, MClinPsych, PhD, MAPS, CHT, SEP

Karen is a registered Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Certified Hakomi Therapist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner with over 20 years experience working with individuals and couples, and providing specialist clinical supervision, in private practice in Crows Nest, on Sydney’s lower North Shore.

Karen is a Certified Hakomi Trainer with the Hakomi Institute Pacifica Team, teaching on the Sydney Professional Hakomi Training. She is also co-facilitator with Halko Weiss on the Hakomi Embodied and Aware Relationships Training (H.E.A.R.T.) in Sydney. Karen regularly runs workshops on aspects of Hakomi and H.E.A.R.T. throughout Australia. She is also the Organiser for Hakomi in Sydney.

As well as being certified as a Hakomi therapist, Karen is also a qualified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), and is trained in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT).

Karen holds a PhD in psychology on the use of expressive writing as a therapeutic tool for survivors of trauma and has co-authored several peer-reviewed publications on expressive writing. Karen completed her combined PhD and Masters in Clinical Psychology degree at Macquarie University, where she was trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Group Process and some Psychodynamic approaches. Prior to that, Karen completed a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours in Psychology, receiving 1st Class Honours and the University Medal. She also completed a Bachelor of Arts degree, and has majors in Psychology, Educational Psychology, Women’s Studies, Sociology and Biochemisty.

Karen’s work integrates mindfulness-based, body-oriented approaches to attachment, trauma, relationships, parenting and health. She is passionate about assisting individuals, couples, parents and other therapists to support deepening awareness and connection with themselves, partners, children, clients and others.